Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 1 - Tuesday 6/29/2010 - Ft Lauderdale to Indianapolis

The first day of my 2010 adventure - Around-The-World Trip #4.

Flights 1 and 2 of 17. About 1,000 miles. Still in the eastern time zone.

It was an early morning with lots of last minute things to do, but actually yesterday was worse.

I had a hair appointment at 7:30 am but we started early and I was home before 8. Tim took me to the airport on his way to work.

Everything was on time today. The plane arrived in Charlotte early and I had a NC BBQ lunch in between flights. Good. Then off to Indianapolis. I finished reading my novel and then started studying my guide book on Tokyo. It recommends 2 weeks to see Tokyo! I'll be there 5 days. Oh well, I always keep things to come back and do on subsequent trips!

Arrived in Indianapolis early. Retrieved my luggage and got the rental car and headed to Greenwood. The granddaughters, Lauren and Lillian, along with daughter Leslie greeted me and we headed out for a late afternoon "treat" - ice cream at Dairy Queen - YUM!

We played some after that and then I took 2 of my stitches out in my right hand. Hope I did that right. Lincoln got home and we tossed a coin for places to eat tonight. Heads it was Texas Road Side, or tails it was O'Charleys. It ended up heads. It was kids night and there was a magician there who did magic tricks for the girls. They liked that. Lillian didn't like the person dressed up in an oversized cowboy outfit with huge head - so he was requested NOT to visit our table. Too much to eat.

It's 9:30 pm and the sky is still very light - we are at the very edge of the eastern time zone. The girls just went to bed, I'm updating my blog, Lincoln is napping, and Leslie went for a walk as she was "over" on her calorie count for the day!

Off to bed soon as it was a very early day - but a fun, fun day with the granddaughters to start off my around-the-world adventure #4.

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