Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 2 - Wednesday, June 30, 2010 - Indianapolis

Visiting with my daughter, Leslie, her husband, Lincoln, and my 2 granddaughters Lauren and Lillian (7 and 4) . . .

The household was up early at about 7. The girls and I were going for a "surprise breakfast" at Dunkin' Donuts - but surprises around this household don't last long!!!! So "Mommy" went with us too. Lillian got a free donut hole.

We dropped Mommy (Leslie) off for her exercise class at the Y and went home to play. Then off to "Dance Summer Camp"! (Children do keep you busy!). I picked Leslie up after dropping them off and then had a conference call with the condo lawyer about our billings. We went to Lillian's group before noon and she performed what she had learned - cute, cute, cute.
We went to McAllister's for lunch (Lillian's favorite) and she got a cookie for her big-sister. Then home for a while to play. Lillian re-performed her "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" routine with the pre-programmed music on their piano. Then we went to Lauren's group a little before 2 to see her performance - they danced to "Dancin' in the Rain" and a "Highschool Musical" number to which Lauren knew all of the words.
Back home to play. I ended up taking out 4 more of the stitches in my hand - feels better - and redressed it. We played "Sorry" twice and Grandpere lost both games even after leading early on. Leslie and Lauren were merciless to me during the game!
We played "Pirate" outside - Lillian was "Captain Lily" and I was "Captain Smee"! I got all of the treasures and took Captain Lily's ship too!!!! We had fun. Lillian loves to swing and we connected for a while during her swinging. That was so much fun.
We were planning to go to O'Charley's tonight but the girls decided that we'll go to Vito's instead. Italian with wine - yeah!!!!
It has been absolutely beautiful here today and comfortable. A great family start to my around-the-world adventure. Tomorrow will be an early start and I leave Indy for Chicago and then on to Tokyo Narita.
World - here I come!!!!

1 comment:

  1. The girls and I had a fabulous time during your visit. Thank you for kicking off your journey with us in Indianapolis. Have fun, be safe, and enjoy every moment.
