Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 18 - Friday July 16, 2010 - Krakow to Warsaw, Poland

Day 18 Krakow to Warsaw

Top Picture: Poland's Presidential Palace in Warsaw
Middle Picture: Royal Castle - Zamek Krokewski - reconstructed 1971-1984
Bottom Picture: Palace of Culture and Science - tallest building in Warsaw

Today I flew on flight 12 of 18 for a total of only 153 miles. I've now flown over 21,000 miles. A little over 6,000 miles to go over the next 2 1/2 weeks.
Awoke at 4 with the sun. What is this? I never get up this early. Out of bed by 5 and I was in the quiet main square by 5:30 using the free wifi since there is none in my 5-Star hotel!

After catching up on email, facebook and my blog, I started walking and took a 2 hour + walk around the Old City. It was beautiful and not crowded with all of the people I've seen here. I went into St. Mary's Basilica and took in its beauty. Then I walked to the south end of Krakow and went to St. Bernadin's which was magnificent inside. Not many people around which made it . The magnificence of the interior was breath-taking.

I then walked around Wawel Castle again and enjoyed the views of the Wisla River where I had walked last night after dinner. Very peaceful this early in the morning and not so hot either.

Then walked all of the way around The Planty (the park that surrounds the Old Town where the city wall used to be). Beautiful gardens and many early morning walkers.

Then went to a little cafe down the street from the Grand Hotel and had breakfast at 1/3 of the price of the breakfast at the hotel! So much for a 5 Star Hotel. What can I say - it was convenient.

Headed back to the hotel and showered and dressed for my short trip to Warsaw. The shuttle driver was actually early and off we went to the airport. It only took 20 minutes. I am flying only to Warsaw today so I went to the much smaller domestic terminal. Read my book and did Soduku while I waited for the plane. We left Warsaw right on time - I was the only person in Business Class (if you can call it that!).
Beautiful day in Warsaw. I collected my bag and met the shuttle driver who picked me up in a Mercedes for the 20 minute ride to the Warsaw Marriott. Dropped my things in the room and immediately headed out to see the city since I don't have long in Warsaw.
The Marriott is right across Jerozolimski Street from the large Warsaw Central Station. I walked over to the tall Palace of Culture and Science - the tallest building in Warsaw. Then through Ogrod Saski - a huge park in the middle of the city with large trees, flowers, statues, and fountains. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was here and guarded by 2 miliary honor guards. It was beautiful with the fountains and flowers.
I walked by the elaborate Senate building where their government meets and then to the Old Town area which has all been reconstructed. What a surprise the Old Town was for me.
I went by the Royal Palace (Zamek Kroewski) at Plac Zamkowy. Beautiful structure. Strolled through the Old Town and ended up in the Old Town Market Square with lots of sidewalk cafes and shops. Lots of antique shops. I treated myself to a gelato - yum!!! Almost as good as Italy!
Roamed over to look out on the Vistula River (Wisla in Polish). The old city wall has been reconstucted. I really liked the Old City - much different than Krakov and much smaller but it was quaint and the architecture was beautiful. I stopped at a cafe and struck up a conversation with the waiter who is a student. He had me try a local Warsaw beer - Przedmiescle - it was really good. While having my beer I listened to a very young boy playing a large accordian. He was excellent. He played some movements from the Four Seasons. Loved it. This is part of what I like about traveling - the impromptu things that happen. I gave him some money since I enjoyed it so much.
Then headed up Krakowski Przedmiescle - Poland's most prestigious street. It starts by the Royal Palace and passes the Presidential Palace, many churches, restaurants, cafes, and shops. Lots of people around - and even a wedding!
There are lots of tributes to Chopin around - he played a prominent part in Warsaw's history. There were some concerts and I comtemplated that but decided to roam around instead.
Returned to the Marriott around 9 and went to the 50th floor to have a drink and take in the view of the city. Spectacular. Went close by and had a salad and beef goulash with spatzle. It was good and filling.
I headed to bed about 11 - tired from all of the walking around Warsaw.
Poland was interesting. I didn't find the people very friendly. They never make eye contact and always seem suspicious. I imagine this is from their past with the Soviet and German occupations. The common dress for many of the men and boys was gym shorts - the kind that we wore in high school PE class. Saw that everywhere.
Looking forward to 2 weeks in the Greek Isles now.

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