Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 7 - Monday July 5, 2010 - Tokyo, Japan

Day 7 of my trip. Tokyo, Japan

To the left - in the distance the home of the Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Imperial Palace.

Got a good night's sleep. Finally no left over effects of jet lag. The day gets light about 4 am in Tokyo which usually wakes me up, but I finally slept until about 6. Another hazy day starting in Tokyo. It is the rainy seasoon so they expect this hazy, misty, overcast weather with occasional showers.

They have over 1,000 earthquakes in Tokyo each year. They tell me that Tokyo is "earthquake proof" but I hope I don't experience that. That is probably why the bellboy was so emphatic about going over the emergency procedures with me when I checked in!!!

Today's focus was around gardens, graveyards, and shopping. Now that's an interesting combination!

I started the day off at Starbucks again. You know, they really know something about customer service here that we miss in the US. I'm impressed with the customer focus and attentiveness. People couldn't be nicer and more helpful. Thailand wins in this category in my book but the Japanese understand. They always bow deeply to customers - a sign of respect and thanks.

After Starbucks I went to Hibaya Park - a beautiful Japanese garden with flowers, bridges, lots of trees and solitude. An oasis in a very busy city. Nearby was the Imperial Palace so I walked all through as much as you can. I saw the house where the emperor and empress live. Beautiful sculptered to ashes of previous generations. A good approach that works effectively.

Near the Ueno Park was Yanaka Cemetery - a huge cemetery - an interesting walk through. Near the cemetery was interesting phenomenum - there were blocks and blocks of cars parked and their drivers were all fast asleep. Taxi drivers, delivery drivers, city workers, and others all fast asleep in their cars. I guess it was "Japanese siesta" time!

Then back to the subway. which I seem to have mastered if I say so myself, and back to Shibuya. I bought a caramel macchiato at Starbucks which allowed me to sit up in their gallery which overlooks the busy intersection. I still am amazed at the mass of people passing through this intersection and how it works. It was fascinating.

Then back to the subway to go to Shinjuku - a bit disappointing - just a lot of tall buildings. Shopping malls everywhere. This apparently is the department store district and I'm not a shopper!

A quick stroll through Roppingi - lots and lots of restaurants. Then a subway back to the hotel. I twisted my arm and had 2 scotches at the bar, dressed for dinner and headed out for a bite to eat. Last night in Tokyo. The afternoon showers have started so I'll stay close to the hotel and get to bed early. My shuttle leaves early for Narita for my flight tomorrow to Singapore and then tropical Bali - am really looking forward to that.

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