Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 23 - Wednesday, July 21, 2010 - Santorini to Mykonos, Greece

Day 23 of my journey. Today we will travel on leg 15 of 18 for only 72 miles from Santorini to Mykonos via ferry boat.
Left: Thira as we leave Santorini via ferry for Mykonos
Right: Our home in Mykonos - loved watching the sunset from our patio

We got up earlier and had our big breakfast on the patio and talked to a couple from Virginia Beach. We packed and then headed out to gas up the Peugeot so we could return it this morning. Kosmos is going to take us to the ferry boat port at Athinios which will be convenient. We are both excited about our return visit to Mykonos. Getting the little yellow car up the alley close to the hotel to pick up the luggage was indeed a challenge - had to back down at one point so a car coming down could get through first. Frustrating.

We arrived at Kosmos early, he took care of another customer and then we were off to the port of Athinios. That was very accommodating of Kosmos to do that and saved us about 20 euros!

There were lots of people at the port. One large ferry came in and unloaded many many tourists who all spole different languages and they loaded up on tour busses by language. After they left, our ferry, Flying Cat 4, arrived and unloaded. Then we loaded, depositing our luggage on the stern of the catamaran and then we went upstairs to the Business Class - not as crowded and nicer seats with large windows to see the views. Our reserved seats weren't together but we moved to 2 together that were open once we were underway.

It was beautiful sailing by the various islands. We made 1 stop in Paros and then were underway to Mykonos. The arrival in Mykonos was hectic - so many people getting off of the boat and so many people waiting to get on. We retrieved our luggage and went to the taxi stand where there was chaos and no taxis! A Greek man stopped in a little teeny, tiny cart with a small flatbed on the back and offered to take us to the hotel! Where would we sit much less put all of the luggage. He said "I take your luggage and you walk!". I don't think so.

We waited for a taxi for about 15 minutes - only about 2 came by. Mr. Patience (Tim) finally decided we were going to walk! Of course, we have no idea where we are supposed to walk to as we don't know where the hotel is! So we start lugging the luggage and head up the road. Not too far up is a rental car agency. I asked about getting a car and he was sold out but told me there was another around the corner. So we walked there, I rented a small car for 50 euros, we loaded up and headed out for the hotel. Of course, we still don't know where we are supposed to be going!

So the next HOUR was a true adventure and we saw a lot of Mykonos. Up roads, down roads, around circles, driving in circles. We stopped to get gas and the man directed up to take the first road to the right. It ended up that was a narrow "alley" and Mr. Patience didn't think that was it. Well, it was. But we drove around the circle and down the hill yet again and came UP that same alley - passing the hotel the first time. We convinced ourselves that it just HAD to be here, so we turned around in the alley and came back down and there it was. A true adventure - and we laughed about it.

We checked in - a nice hotel with a spectacular view of the harbor, windmills, and sunset. We went to the pool bar and met Emile from Romania. He made us much needed drinks and gave us many suggestions about places to go and places to eat. In fact he made us a dinner reservation at his favorite fish restaurant.

We had a city map and he gave us directions - but we thought he would never finish. "Do you know THIS place? Well go there and then turn right. Now do you know THIS place? Well go there and then turn left. Do you know this street? etc, etc, etc. This went on for quite a while until he finally pointed out the restaurant on the map.

We swam, used the hot tub (not very hot) and then showered and got ready for sunset. The setting for sunset by the pool was beautiful. Lots of people, good music, good drinks, and even a short show after sunset. We skipped the second show (9:30) and headed into the city via foot to find our fish restaurant. We had 10 pm reservations - early via Mykonos standards!

We roamed the streeets that were packed with people and shops. We went to a place far into the city and I knew we had gone to far, so I asked a shopkeeper and he directed us back to the first left. We went there and shortly thereafter found our special restaurant.

The space was stunning- outside in a patio, very modern decor. There weren't many people there since it was so early. But we ordered - a salad, shrips in ouzo sauce, and we went into the kitchen with the owner to pick out our fish for dinner - a large red snapper. And a bottle of white wine of course.

Dinner was delicious. A bit pricy but good.

After dinner we headed out to find Katrina's Restaurant, Tim's favorite place from our visit 10 years ago. We looked and looked and looked to no avail. By this time it was after midnight and we decided to head back to the hotel. That was easier said than done. We were helplessly lost again - this time on foot! We walked and walked and walked and finally found our street. The last climb up the steep street was grueling.

We arrived back to a hot room. Mr. Patience was ready to check out and find another hotel. But we put the key in the slot to get electricity in the room and A/C and went to bed immediately. I was exhausted. It was going in 1 pm. Of course Mykonos was just getting started good, but we were tired.

The room cooled our quickly and we rested well. A fun and adventuresome first day in Mykonos. What new adventures lie in store for us?

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine how my Mr. Patience would have been during a day like that.
