Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 30 - Wednesday July 28, 2010 - Mykonos, Greece

Mykonos July 28, 2010

We got up about 9:30, had breakfast and went into town. Got some water at the mini-market and headed to the bus station. The bus was there waiting and soon we were on our way to Elia. Another absolutely glorious day at the beach. Such a pretty place.
I had another massage in early afternoon from the Chinese massage therapist. He was really good and it made my back feel so much better. We read, listened to music. Swam, and napped until 3 and then went for lunch at the nice restaurant. We had an Elia salad and a plate of mussels. For lunch Tim has moussaka and I had a pork steak. Delicious.

We stayed at the beach until 6:25. The late afternoon is the best – absolute best. We enjoy that the most. The bus was packed and many had to stand. We got off at the round-about again and walked “down” to the hotel. No Starbucks today though. We had banana and strawberry daiquiris and swam in the pool. The pool was so refreshing after being at the beach.

We showered and dressed and went for sunset cocktails. This was the most beautiful of the sunsets. Clear and the colors after the sun set were beautiful. Even though we see this every day in Florida, we enjoy watching this. We saw the early show at the hotel (the same one as last Wednesday). We are wondering if they will all repeat now. We went into town so I could get a Mykonos T-shirt and then went to Katrin for our 10 pm reservations.

We were greeted warmly when we arrived – they know us know. “Mrs” went screaming across the restaurant to “Mr.” - - - “Lorenzo – Lorenzo”! That was funny. They sat us at our prominent table right by the front door. Mr. came over to talk to us and I asked if he had any fresh fish – and he said “Of course – a red snapper for you”. We ended up letting him choose our entire dinner. The first course was a fish dish in a large shell baked with béchamel cheese on top – delicious with shrimp, mussels, fish and scallop. It was wonderful. Mr. showed us our fish and we enjoyed the wine he picked out for us while they grilled it. Then it was presented again all cooked. Mrs. filleted it. She asked us if we wanted the head and we both in unison said “Yes”! She said she liked people who wanted the head and knew what was in it – the cheek meat. Dinner was delicious. Tim left only a skeleton after dissecting the head.

Ends up that Mr. and Mrs. aren’t a married couple as we had suspected – they are cousins. Her brother works there and another cousin. A family business. I inquired about Katrin and was told very reverently that she “was resting”. The brother suggested desserts for us – a crème brulee and a chocolate brownie that we like a chocolate lava cake with ice cream. Delicious.

Mr. offered us a cognac which we politely accepted and sat there enjoying the evening. Several large groups had come to the restaurant about 11:30 so everyone was really busy. We bade our farewells and told them we would see them on our next visit to Mykonos. They were very pleased.

It was after 12:30 so we headed back to the hotel – unfortunately up “the hill” but we stopped a few times along the way and rested. Right to bed and a good night’s sleep.

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