Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 25, Friday July 23, 2010 - Mykonos, Greece

Day 25 in Mykonos

Left: The beach at Elia.

Right: The pool at Elysium Hotel

We awoke about 8:30 and headed off to the buffet breakfast by the pool. We got dressed and headed to the bus station to catch the 10:30 bus to Paradise. From there we'll "walk over the mountain" to Super Paradise like we did 10 years ago. The bus station is just at the bottom of "the hill" from our hotel.

We bought tickets for the ride there and return - 1.6 euros each. The bus departed right on time but I just don't understand how he navigated in the streets with the traffic and that big bus. The ride to Paradise was only about 15 minutes. When we got off we headed "up the hill". But immediately we noticed things had changed. Lots of houses where before it was just mountain. So here are Larry and Tim on another adventure - completely unexpected. It ends up that NO ONE walks over the mountain to Super Paradise any more because the land has been subdivided into goat stalls with huge rock walls. And there are houses everywhere. But did that stop us? NOOOOO! We pushed on.

So after more than 45 minutes of walking through brissly bushes, over huge rock walls, through goat pastures, and almost getting eatten alive by a german shepherd, we arrive at the cliff overlooking Super Paradise. Dimitri laughed later at us as he said "No one does that any more!" Oh well - another adventure.

We found our way down the mountain and I was exhausted. We rented an umbrella and chairs and relaxed for the afternoon. Reading, listening to music, people watching. But this beach is nothing like our last visit here. This was an adult beach before and now it is full of children and Italian teenagers. But we relaxed - that was the purpose.

Mid afternoon we went to the restaurant and had a good lunch and enjoyed being in the shade. The sun here is deceiving with all of the wind blowing. And a couple of times we got a sand blast.

We stayed until 4 pm. The question was how to get back to the bus at Paradise. NOT THE WALK, for sure!

We waited for the boat and it left at 4:30 and took us to Plati Gialos where we caught the bus back to Mykonos City - or Chura. The bus was right on time and it was a short ride back. We walked back up "the hill" and went to relax by the pool. Josh joined us later and he had been to Elia where we had gone yesterday.

We stayed by the pool until 7:30, then showered, dressed and went out on our patio with our bottle of wine to enjoy sunset. This was the prettiest yet. And the wine was good. We enjoyed some of our peanuts covered in caramel and sesame seeds. Good.

After sunset we went to the pool for drinks (didn't really need these) and the 2 shows. They were fun. The massage man from the hotek was in the show - fantastic!

We told Josh about the seafood restaurant we had eatten at 2 nights before and Emile gave him directions - the same as us - "You know this place? Well that's not it - go to this other place. You know his place? Well that's not it - go to . . ." Funny!

We went to a recommended steak restaurant Uno Con Carne. A beautiful outdoor space. We arrived at 10:30 and it was only half full. But midnight it was packed. We had champagne and oysters - French ones that were real salty but good. My filet was great but Tim's rib eye was chewy. We had a bottle of Argentinian red wine that was a great accompaniment. But the alcohol was too much tonight.

About 1:30 we headed back to the hotel and I could hardly walk. I don't remember much about the walk up "the hill" but I made it and fell fully clothed into bed - exhausted. I did get up to undress for bed but I fell right asleep. Lots of walking but a good time in Mykonos.

What adventures await us tomorrow? Believe we are planning a quiet relaxing day by the pool.

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